Thanks TOP CAT. Its appreciated. Kenny/lead vocals and I/backing Vox are fortunate that our voices blend very naturally. I love when that happens. you think Anderson and Squire, Gabriel and Collins, Orzabal and Smith...NOT that we are in their league...but they seem so naturally similar so they blend so well.

I am very lucky that Kenny joined me in this project back in 15, he and I met back in the 80's when we both had bands out on the local circuit. so we have been friend for many years...but never worked on anything together. Now we are deep in to the B4tF world and hopefully we can continue to make albums until the sun don't shine.

Kenny actually wrote the song Planet in the 80's, its always been in his catalogue, I just re-imagined it for B4tF. Trying to honor the spirit of its era.

There is the debut album also on band camp..if you have interest in looking. Thanks again for your kind note.

peace. --Patric

Quote Originally Posted by Top Cat View Post
Thanks to Pixel I was able to discover your wonderful music this morning. Was going to post in response but wife and I left to get to the beach early before the crowds and just got back awhile ago.
I really enjoy Planet and it's 80's throwback influence, but listened to the 2 songs you've got posted on Bandcamp and have to say I really like the music and will most likely be getting the album when it's released.
As I listened I couldn't help but notice a great maturity in the new music, arrangement and style. Also I can't tell you how many times I've liked a new band but then the vocalist starts singing and I'm out of there, many Progressive bands seem to suffer from lead vocals not rising to the level of superior musicanship in my opinion. But I love the vocals on this and Planet is excellent also.

Keep up the good work, and as you toil about your day job, just remember there are people out here who really like and enjoy your creativity. Thank you for sharing your talent and artistic vision with us, looking forward to the new album.