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Thread: Brice Plays Drums - ProgTagonist (2014)

  1. #1
    Member mnprogger's Avatar
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    Nov 2012

    Brice Plays Drums - ProgTagonist (2014)

    The 1st track from this upcoming 3rd LP from Minnesota prog band is quite tasty. Their last record, 2012's "Man the Animal Cannon" was terrific, and just hearing this 1st piece "Sisyphus," they seem to comeback where that record left off. Great dynamics, time changes, literary influences lyrically.

    For those who never checked them out, you may not regret doing so soon. And for those like myself who love them, this record can't come soon enough, on May 16th.

    Checkout the little write-up they have on their Soundcloud page.

    Brice Plays Drums is a progressive rock project from Minnesota. Since its inception in 2007, the group has diversified and evolved its music, broadening its influences while honing and clarifying their respective skills. Like contemporary progressive groups such as Steve Wilson, The Mars Volta and Between the Buried and Me, they strive to fill the void left by greats such as Yes, King Crimson, Frank Zappa, and Gentle Giant,, thus restoring musicality into the rock genre. A clever and ever varying mix consisting of rock, jazz fusion, Latin, and funk, Brice Plays Drums has pushed the boundaries few bands today dare to tread near. In this vein, they continue to seek the answer to the ultimate question: What the shit is Progressive Rock?

  2. #2
    Well... what is progressive rock??

  3. #3
    Champion of Nothing Nicky Cupcakes's Avatar
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    Nov 2012
    Hamilton, NJ
    I was just listening to these guys a few days ago, and wondering if they had any new music in the works. Glad to hear it's coming so soon! Man the Animal Cannon was very good, so I'm looking forward to this.

    In this vein, they continue to seek the answer to the ultimate question: What the shit is Progressive Rock?

    We'll get back to them with an answer soon, I think.

  4. #4
    Member mnprogger's Avatar
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    Nov 2012
    I noticed they finally did upload the whole record onto their bandcamp page recently. I've had it for nearly a month and I can say I do like a lot of it, although not as much as Man the Animal Cannon. But they do use some different/new styles I suppose, being some middle eastern elements and maybe even more jazz sides than on MtAC.


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