Quote Originally Posted by Yodelgoat View Post
I am a database guy, and If I had to do it again , I would simply store the CD's at random, adding new disks at the end of the physical pile, assigning an incremented number, and use an excel spreadsheet to keep things organized. Since I actually access the CD's so seldomly, that would probably be the most efficient way. With a spreadsheet, you can sort by anything, - Artist, Musicians, date of release, subject, Genre, Label, Indie releases... and never have to move a single disk. Even a list of all time favorites for future situations where I choose to participate in some of the lengthy lists of bands, artists.. whatever here on PE. All I would have to do is pull up the spreadsheet and cut and paste, perhaps do some research and perhaps add a tab occasionally. All the time never actually touching or disturbing my beloved CD's and remaining cassettes and Vinyl as well.
Genius! That is very similar to what I did. (I used a database instead of a spreadsheet.) When one has thousands of CDs, it becomes more difficult to keep the collection order. I left free space on each shelf, but what happens if you need to insert a CD into a row that is out of free space? Not fun! Also, after adopting the "random" method, I could find any CD in a very short period of time.

Sadly, I have returned to the Alphabetized approach since I got married. My wife was not overly enthusiastic about the Random method.