^ ^

I think the above sums it up.

There is unreleased material out there. Some of it is a different version including an extended version of "Red Barachetta" that I heard in Japan that is extended about 90 seconds. I prefer what made it to Moving Pictures, so I don't think you are missing anything.

But there are also entire songs that didn't make it in the time from what I could gather was 1977 to 1982. Also, what I heard was not a collection of great lost songs but back then, they kept records to 35 or 40 minutes so songs that didn't make it. I understand why they say there is no lost music for a few reasons. To them, it isn't lost but a song they didn't want on an album or out at all at the time. "Freeze" from that era eventually did make it out on Vapor Trails in full form 30 years later