Greetings Friends. The PM Show #88 is ready for your listening pleasure. This edition of The PM Show features new music from Slivovitz, Marbin and Dwiki Dharamawan. These are three sensational and talented fusion groups. Their instrumental mastery will make you drool. We also hear more from The Tangent's latest masterwork "A Spark in the Aether". Tiles drops by to talk about sacred cows. And Transatlantic asks us to listen to their kaleidoscope. (all 31'53" of it!) Unitopia tells us about the crush they have on Angeliqua but Ritual says it's actually a dependence on her. Billy Sherwood says to wait for her to call and IQ chips in that no love is lost yet. All this and much more on this weeks edition of The PM Show. Click on the link and it will take you there. Click on it now and you're almost there. All the best! JB

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