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Thread: Steven Wilson Interviews

  1. #1

    Steven Wilson Interviews

    I went looking for some recent Steven Wilson interviews and found the following Australian and Italian items from last November.

    As always SW is a friendly and informative interviewee and, even though I'm a long-time SW/PT fan, I learned a bit more about the man and his motivation.

    My interest in tracking these down was driven by my hope that SW will revisit PT (my absolute all-time favourite band) at some stage - I'm still looking for signs from him that the band's not dead!
    Both interviews touch on the PT topic and the Italian one provides some more background about SW's decision to concentrate on his solo work. I haven't given up on the possibility of a PT revival - SW does seem to really enjoy collaborative projects and I imagine that working with the other three PT guys does afford him some measure of artistic satisfaction. Perhaps PT will reconvene on an intermittent schedule like No-Man.

    Noise11 (Australia)

    Lost Highways (Italy - btw, the sound on this one is quite echoey and I think soundcheck was going on at the time)
    "One should never magnify the harsh light of reality with the mirror of prose onto the delicate wings of fantasy's butterfly"
    Thumpermonkey - How I Wrote The French Lieutenant's Woman

    "I'm content to listen to what I like and keep my useless negative opinions about what I don't like to myself -- because no one is interested in hearing those anyway, and it contributes absolutely nothing to the conversation."

  2. #2
    Member Paulrus's Avatar
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    The Left Coast
    Thanks for posting those. He's always such a good, honest interview.

    The interesting tidbit from the Italian interview is how obviously happy he is to get a song considered for the Pompeii film soundtrack, and I could easily see his next album pushing that aspect of his music to see if he can attract more of that.
    I'm holding out for the Wilson-mixed 5.1 super-duper walletbuster special anniversary extra adjectives edition.

  3. #3
    I love this guy, so inspiring. So alive. I'd welcome a new PT project, but would be very surprised if it happened. I would imagine that would happen only if it satisfied his evolution. Sometimes going "back" is the best way forward.


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