OK, here's the Reader's Digest version. I woke up @ about 6:30 AM on Thus to my right art & left feeling incredibly weak - as though they weighed hundreds of pounds. Since June 7th (the day after my birthday), I'd had a numbness in my left hand & left side of my tongue & mouth anyway. I still have these as I write.
I called 911 & ended up in the hospital. Evidently, I had some version of a small stroke. I had X-Rays, a CAT scan & also an ultrasound of my carotid arteries. I was to have an MRI, but my big fat head was too big for the machine so I am to have one elsewhere soon. They say my blood sugar & cholesterol are to high, so these will be worked on more. They also want my stress levels waaaaaay down.
I'm home now & a bit weak. I'm far from 100%, but I'm on my way!
- John