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Thread: Better Call Saul: Who's Watching and What Do You Think?

  1. #26
    Member No Pride's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Lou View Post
    I love this show! I find it highly entertaining and well written. Sucks that the first season is over already.
    Er... almost. Still one episode left.

  2. #27
    Member Lou's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by No Pride View Post
    Er... almost. Still one episode left.
    Well,yes. However, I get separation anxiety quickly.
    A Comfort Zone is not a Life Sentence

  3. #28
    Member mnprogger's Avatar
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    Slightly BB/BCS-related. Vince and Bob will be hosting and talking about some of Vince's favorite episodes of certain shows like The Twilight Zone, in-between segments of those episodes.

    "Vince Gilligan's Island on METv" today with Bob Odenkirk

    6-10PM Eastern

  4. #29
    Hmmmm... not sure if MeTV is on my system or not...

    Nope. Bummer.

  5. #30
    the first couple episodes were slightly disapointing, however the show is hummin along now. Last episode was fantastic and the scene with mike in the parking garage had me laughing out loud in a big way.

  6. #31
    Member No Pride's Avatar
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    Slippin' Jimmy tried breaking good and it didn't work out, now he's breaking bad... for good.

  7. #32
    GAH!! Satisfying but what a freaking tease! So Saul is in the house, how long do we have to wait...

  8. #33
    Member No Pride's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by trurl View Post
    GAH!! Satisfying but what a freaking tease!
    I'm not the biggest boob tube watcher, but isn't that what a season finale is usually all about?

  9. #34
    Yeah, but this is different.. it's not a cliff hanger since we know where it's all going, it's like all of Season 1 was a prologue and now we're finally into the main story.

  10. #35
    Member No Pride's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by trurl View Post
    Yeah, but this is different.. it's not a cliff hanger since we know where it's all going, it's like all of Season 1 was a prologue and now we're finally into the main story.
    But what the frick is THAT going to be? All we know for sure is that Saul and Mike aren't going to die. I think they got our attention.

  11. #36
    It will be fun to watch Jimmy's decent into scumbag-hood. And we have to find out what ultimately happens to Chuck and how it affects Jimmy. And his sorta girlfriend chick, whatsername.

  12. #37
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    I hope Chuck fries in his aluminum-foil suit! What kind of a brother is he? Wouldn't hire his little brother because he didn't like where he got his law degree? He still passed the frickin bar for Xsake!

  13. #38
    Parrots Ripped My Flesh Dave (in MA)'s Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Calabasas_Trafalgar View Post
    He still passed the frickin bar for Xsake!
    His brother is an anti-Samoaite!

  14. #39
    Member mnprogger's Avatar
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    I read an interview with Vince Gilligan a few weeks ago where he said the time period of this show may not entirely exist in 2002 (or earlier)..i.e. We may get some BB period and also some stuff at the point Saul's in Nebraska.

  15. #40
    It was kind of a weird plot direction, I thought. Why *wouldn't* he take the job in Santa Fe? It would be a chance to work the case that he created, which is what he wanted to begin with. It would be an F-U to his brother, and everyone who didn't believe in him, something it seems to be in his nature to want to do. It would be a chance to work professionally with that woman he likes. By going the other direction, all he's doing is proving his brother and everyone else right. His epiphany was longing for the $1.6 million? It was the money that is teasing him? He's got a great chance to get a fair amount of that back if he wins his Sandpiper case. If it's so big that another law firm is being brought on board, the attorney's fees will be in the many millions. I don't know - I liked the episode and everything, but it just seemed to be kind of a lazy set up which could have easily been avoided.

  16. #41
    I think he just realized what he truly wants and what his true nature is in that week having fun and scamming with whats-his-name. He doesn't want to go straight. He is Slipping Jimmy. He wanted to impress Chuck and he failed so he figures, screw Chuck. Make $$ and have fun.

  17. #42
    Quote Originally Posted by trurl View Post
    I think he just realized what he truly wants and what his true nature is in that week having fun and scamming with whats-his-name. He doesn't want to go straight. He is Slipping Jimmy. He wanted to impress Chuck and he failed so he figures, screw Chuck. Make $$ and have fun.
    But he was already shown to be legitimately having fun with Sandpiper in an earlier episode. In this episode alone, he was shown treating the week in Chicago as a fantasy-world that he needed to eventually leave. It didn't *have* to be that way; for example, they could have shown him really conflicted about leaving. But he wasn't. His thoughts were on his clients. None of that stuff *had* to be put into the episode, but it nevertheless was. That's why the ditching of the interview came out of nowhere, and was only very weakly supported by the preceding events.

    I don't have a problem with him eventually doing what he did (I mean, we all know that this is happening eventually anyway), it's just that they really could have done a better job getting him there. Gilligan regularly screws up this kind of stuff, which is too bad (Breaking Bad was full continuity errors - especially that last season - which is why I consider it to be a very good but ultimately very overrated show).

  18. #43
    Parrots Ripped My Flesh Dave (in MA)'s Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Facelift View Post
    It was kind of a weird plot direction, I thought. Why *wouldn't* he take the job in Santa Fe? It would be a chance to work the case that he created, which is what he wanted to begin with. It would be an F-U to his brother, and everyone who didn't believe in him, something it seems to be in his nature to want to do.
    That's the trouble with a prequel. We've already seen what he becomes.

  19. #44
    Member Man In The Mountain's Avatar
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    I thought the entire season was delightfully mediocre. There's a familiarity with some of the characters and who they are, and about 1/3 of the story-line(s) was compelling, most of it was just OK. Just my opinion, but it's not as intriguing as a mild mannered school teacher who gets cancer and becomes a murderous meth dealer. Along with a cast of very colorful & scary characters. This show is Slipping Jimmy goes good, but is rejected by his brother, so he goes back to bad? We know where it ends already.

    I get the last scene. He doesn't want to sell out after everything that has happened. He wants to do his own thing, and not work in some big corporate environment where he'll very likely get no respect. After all, he really wanted to work with his brother whom he admires. But if he can't get his brother's admiration, again, he won't get it at this new place. It was a F 'em all type moment.

  20. #45
    Quote Originally Posted by Man In The Mountain View Post
    I get the last scene. He doesn't want to sell out after everything that has happened. He wants to do his own thing, and not work in some big corporate environment where he'll very likely get no respect. After all, he really wanted to work with his brother whom he admires. But if he can't get his brother's admiration, again, he won't get it at this new place. It was a F 'em all type moment.
    But that makes no sense. They respect him SO much that they want to give him a job offer and the actual interview is only a formality. He was fantasizing about it with his own name in their letterhead. Again, I wouldn't have a problem with a situation where he rejects being a corporate stiff for exactly the reasons you mention... but it would be nice if the events were set up so that the result followed the events leading up to it. Just very sloppily handled, and quite unnecessarily so.

  21. #46
    Geriatric Anomaly progeezer's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Facelift View Post
    but it would be nice if the events were set up so that the result followed the events leading up to it. Just very sloppily handled, and quite unnecessarily so.
    Gotta agree, and it more than likely could have been done with 2 minutes of relevant dialogue.
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  22. #47
    Member Lou's Avatar
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    Somebody give Martin a Chicago Sunroof.
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  23. #48
    Member Man In The Mountain's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Facelift View Post
    Again, I wouldn't have a problem with a situation where he rejects being a corporate stiff for exactly the reasons you mention... but it would be nice if the events were set up so that the result followed the events leading up to it.
    I see your point. It may have been an even better season closer for Jimmy to actually except the job, and leave us hanging as to what would happen next.

    Quote Originally Posted by Lou View Post
    Somebody give Martin a Chicago Sunroof.
    Why, because I don't like the show as much as you? Hey, I watched the entire season, so obviously I like it on some level. I didn't give up on it, and I enjoy discussing it on a forum.

  24. #49
    PE Member Since 4/9/2002 NeonKnight's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Facelift View Post
    It was kind of a weird plot direction, I thought. Why *wouldn't* he take the job in Santa Fe? It would be a chance to work the case that he created, which is what he wanted to begin with. It would be an F-U to his brother, and everyone who didn't believe in him, something it seems to be in his nature to want to do. It would be a chance to work professionally with that woman he likes. By going the other direction, all he's doing is proving his brother and everyone else right. His epiphany was longing for the $1.6 million? It was the money that is teasing him? He's got a great chance to get a fair amount of that back if he wins his Sandpiper case. If it's so big that another law firm is being brought on board, the attorney's fees will be in the many millions. I don't know - I liked the episode and everything, but it just seemed to be kind of a lazy set up which could have easily been avoided.
    Right on, pretty much exactly what I was thinking by the end.

    Seems to me the whole episode was centered on his return to Cicero for one more Slipping Jimmy Bender. Which I thought was equally hilarious for all the awesome scam lines while at the same time feeling a bit queasy because over doing trippy turntable video effects might be way over the top and maybe even out of character production-wise for Gilligan.

    (I also get the fact that it was still funny and maybe was used to let the viewer feel the whiskey shots seductively easing the way for their scams to work the cash out of our own wallets.)

    Then the whole "one more time Jimmy" which leads to Marco's death, plus the fact that he had already told him he wanted to help his clients and go straight seems like it was going to lead us one way, and then there is another 360, plus a u-turn, so we're all bit confused now.

    I guess they want to settle for the sight of Mike reminding Jimmy about the all the cash they had, and in a different universe he would have used some of that cash to save his partner? Who knows? I'm just guessing at Gilligan's curious plot twist choice there...
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  25. #50
    Member Lou's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Man In The Mountain View Post

    Why, because I don't like the show as much as you? Hey, I watched the entire season, so obviously I like it on some level. I didn't give up on it, and I enjoy discussing it on a forum.
    No, nothing like that. I thought the story was funny, and you living in Illinois happened to be the proper fodder.
    A Comfort Zone is not a Life Sentence


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