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Thread: Going to the hospital

  1. #101
    W.P.O.D. Dan Marsh's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Yanks2009 View Post
    That's good to know. Of course a lot of people will feel a little safer knowing I wont run over their toes on my scooter!
    That's funny as I almost fell over your scooter at NEARfest last year. I was not looking where I was going and then bam, there you were!

    Glad to see you are back and on the mend!

  2. #102
    My mom's on one of those pacemaker/defib units and has been for some time (about 10 yrs or so - she just turned 84 last week).
    It's been working great, but one thing I've learned is that there has to be a proper relationship between potassium and magnesium.
    When that relationship was out of whack and less than ideal, she began to have a problem that eventually triggered the unit to go
    off repeatedly.

    I haven't read all 4 pages here, so I don't know what your problem is specifically, but I just thought I'd mention that little tidbit, in
    case it's of any use to you. I'm sure anyone here with proper medical training and experience can explain better than I can, though.

    Glad to hear you're on the mend, Thomas! Keep a positive outlook...that's half the battle sometimes.

    God bless,
    ~ M

  3. #103
    Glad to hear you are out of the Hospital and doing better!

    Wherein one can peruse all manner of Digital Artwork & Photography. . .

  4. #104
    Member Romerovm's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Yanks2009 View Post
    I'm home! Thank you so much for all the kind words, the prayers, the vibes, even the tasteless but still funny jokes! The phone call today was a real shock, a pleasant one.

    As to my health, they gave me a drug therapy, a med called Tikosyn. I took it twice a day, and they would do an EKG 2 hours after. So far, so good, my heart is back in a normal rhythm. I will stay on this drug, and thankfully it has very few side effects, if any. If it stops working for me, my next option is to upgrade my implanted device from a defibrillator to combo defibrillator/pace maker device. I may do that anyway in the near future, and stop taking the drug, we will see. As long as they don't tell me I have to go on the transplant list, I'm happy.

    The care in Princeton was first rate, and yes, I had some fine nurses! Good test for the blood pressure!

    As to Rosfest, it broke my heart just now cancelling my hotel reservations, and I will be rather sad this weekend. No bucket list bands on the bill, though Shadow Gallery comes close, and its a killer lineup. I'm well enough to drive, but can't see myself going so far away from my doctors so soon after. I'm a bit crazy, but not crazy enough to risk my life, even a great festival is not worth that. But I'm beyond bummed about this, my first "festival free" year since 1998. Oh well, I'll be fine for 2014.
    You don't have to be fest free this year; PD is looking quite good so far!

    I am glad to hear you are doing better.

  5. #105
    Quote Originally Posted by Romerovm View Post
    You don't have to be fest free this year; PD is looking quite good so far!

    I am glad to hear you are doing better.
    Seconding that.

    Take care and keep on proggin'.

  6. #106
    good news glad te read things are looking up

  7. #107
    Join Date
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    Glad to hear your on the mend.

  8. #108
    Highly Evolved Orangutan JKL2000's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Romerovm View Post
    You don't have to be fest free this year; PD is looking quite good so far!

    I am glad to hear you are doing better.
    Would love to see Thomas at ProgDay! I think he'd enjoy the atmosphere, beer, etc.

  9. #109
    Member Romerovm's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by JKL2000 View Post
    Would love to see Thomas at ProgDay! I think he'd enjoy the atmosphere, beer, etc.

    Me too! Thomas you have to plan a trip to PD this year buddy!

  10. #110
    Member Vic2012's Avatar
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    Chin up

  11. #111
    Member Yanks2014's Avatar
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    A short update, it's been a couple weeks and my heart is STILL in a normal rhythm! I'm even sleeping well at night, no sleeping pill the past few nights. Now I just have to deal with all the medical bills, oh well. Better to be healthy, no matter the cost.

  12. #112

  13. #113
    Quote Originally Posted by Yanks2009 View Post
    A short update, it's been a couple weeks and my heart is STILL in a normal rhythm! I'm even sleeping well at night, no sleeping pill the past few nights. Now I just have to deal with all the medical bills, oh well. Better to be healthy, no matter the cost.
    I figured things had to be going reasonably well if you were consuming Dorito-shelled Taco Bell products.

  14. #114
    Member Yanks2014's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Facelift View Post
    I figured things had to be going reasonably well if you were consuming Dorito-shelled Taco Bell products.
    Well I do eat rather healthy, certainly of late, but I can treat myself every now and then. And for the record I only had two of those tacos. OK, I also had their Cantina Bowl, though that's probably the most healthy thing they sell, mostly rice, beans and avacado. Tasty too.


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