They threatend a long time now the made it come true
They threatend a long time now the made it come true
Universal Totem Orchestra - Mathematical Mother (2017)
On the borderline of Symphonic and Zeuhl, and not quite new but very recommendable if one can live with the character of the production which admittedly is not easy for me.
Interviewer of reprobate ne'er-do-well musicians of the long-haired rock n' roll persuasion at: and former scribe at Classic Rock Society. Only vaguely aware of anything other than music.
*** Join me in the Garden of Delights for 4 hours of prog and other rocks every Saturday at 5pm EST, and for 2 hours of jazz and fusion every Wednesday from 1-3pm EST on Deep Nuggets radio! ***
A very interesting album released last year that somehow went under the radar (I did a quick search and could not find any mention of it): Cambio della Guardia - S/T (2023). Here are track # 1 & 4 from it:
Review on ProgArchives:
Some 80s and 90s bands come back.
Arcanciel have a new album out this week
More of an international band: great Psych Folk Prog
New Macroscream is out. I just got the CD yesterday and spun it last night. It's good. I'm still a bit iffy at times on their singer, and some of the lyrics are a bit odd, but the music is decent, and they've done a good job forging their own sound and avoiding a lot of the cliche traps so many Italian bands seem to fall into, imo.
Funny little wave of 80s Contempo bands having a comeback
After Leviathan and Arcansiel, Nuova Era will follow soon with "20.000 leagues under the sea"
Let's see who else appears again :-) i would like Atons
Yes! So many excellent 80s/90s Italian bands that are mostly forgotten now like Lothlorien, Spirosfera, Aria Palea, A Piedi Nudi, Secret Cinema, Divae, Ezra Winston, and many more...
Just now looking at the Facebook post from Nuova Era regarding 20,000 Leagues Under the Sea. He also says Nautilus. The H, do you know anything about this? There was this obscure album by a Swiss band called Nautilus that is close in title, but it would be odd for Walter Pini to reference it right?
Last edited by ashratom; 03-31-2024 at 05:38 PM.
New albums by Nuova Era and Ezra Winston would be wonderful news. Now, off to see if they have a Bandcamp presence.
The List (build from last issue)
Released and so removed from the list
Il Balletto di Bronzo | Lemures
Moongarden |Moongarden | |
Sophya Baccini's Aradia tba
Divae Project |STRATOSFERICO & OTHER STORIES (all star project)
Syndone |DirtyThirty
Il Baccio della Medusa
Leviathan |tba | |
Acqua Fragile |tba | |
La Bocca della Verita |tba |
Macro Scream
Coming soon (some very soon)
Pitwine |L'alba di Perseo | |
Nuova Era (might be a 2CD) |“20.000 leghe sotto i mari” | |
Alphataurus |Atto 3 | |
MOOGG |tba |
Astrolabio| tba|
Melting Clock
Sooner or later (or never) (some stay here forever it seems)
Tale Cue
ISProject |tba | |
Cellar Noise - tba
Abash tba
VIII Strada
Comunication lost, No reported progress
Ianva |Fiume Centenary |
Unreal City |tba | |
Presence |tba | |
Il Castello di Atlante |tba | |
La Torre dell'Alchimista |tba | |
Höstsonaten |Ancient Mariner Part 2 | |
Baba Yoga |L'AMOUR FOU | |
Psycho Praxis |tba | |
Garden Wall |Psychomachies | |
Pandora |tba | |
Ingranaggi della Valle |tba | |
Egoband |tba | |
Breznev Fun Club |tba | |
Panther & C. |tba | |
Murple |tba | |
La Fabbrica dell'Assoluto |tba | |
Quanah Parker |tba | |
Flower Flesh |tba | |
Also the new Celeste is coming soon and very soon - Echi di un Futuro Passato (Echoes of a Past Future).
I'll definitely check out a new one from these guys, but I'll approach with caution. I thought Return to the Castle was pretty weak. I was really excited to have Alex Camatti back, but this one just seemed lacking to me. I'm doing a bit of spring cleaning, so I may give this one a fresh listen and decide if I want to hold onto it. Maybe it'll have magically improved since the last time I played it.
On the plus side, after years of finding it so-so, Il Passo Del Soldato has started to grow on me. I think I overlooked this a bit because I was disappointed in Camatti's absence, and the absence of guitar generally, but with repeated listens, I'm coming appreciate this one more.
I still love those first two the most, though. Fun stuff.
Replying to an old thread, since I couldn't find anything relevant on this album (La Nuova Raccomandata con Ricevuta di Ritorno's "In Rock"). I downloaded it from Bandcamp a few years ago and listened to it for maybe the second time yesterday. I really like this short album. The cover of Ozzy Osbourne's "Mr. Crowley" is absolutely wonderful!
Mongrel dog soils actor's feet
Sezione Frenante with a new song that, hopefully, signals a new album soon to be released