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Thread: Shipping costs in EU and UK

  1. #1

    Shipping costs in EU and UK

    I have a warehouse in the Netherlands and I have been charging $6 for shipping but I'm getting killed by the storage and shipping costs at that price. Do you think $8 usd or €7 or £5 (loose approximation) is too much to charge for shipping costs for cds for those of you in Europe? I'm trying to see how that compares to just for kicks in Germany
    Mark Monforti
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  2. #2
    Join Date
    Nov 2012
    Toronto, Canada
    Not sure that I can directly answer your question, but shipping costs in North American have gotten insane. Especially from the US to Canada. I tried to snag some back issues of a magazine that I like to read, and it would have worked out to over $80 for the pair, I kid you not. So no, I don't think personally, that it's too much. It's a sad state of affairs, really.

    "Just know that even if we listen to the same bands, I listen to them BETTER than you" - Gene Meyer

  3. #3
    Member Zeuhlmate's Avatar
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    Copenhagen, Denmark
    It is quite fair.
    If you buy at Discogs, the postage is often ridiculous. £10-15 is often charged in Europe.

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Nov 2012
    Coventry, UK
    Quote Originally Posted by mon40 View Post
    I have a warehouse in the Netherlands and I have been charging $6 for shipping but I'm getting killed by the storage and shipping costs at that price. Do you think $8 usd or €7 or £5 (loose approximation) is too much to charge for shipping costs for cds for those of you in Europe? I'm trying to see how that compares to just for kicks in Germany
    5 pounds for shipping from the US to the UK? That is very reasonable.

  5. #5
    As an avid UK-based CD buyer, this is an interesting topic for me as shipping costs are a real hurdle in my purchases.

    I have an account at Just For Kicks but the shipping from Germany to the UK is still prohibitive. For example a CD at 18 euros has a shipping cost of 10 euros. That's prevented me from buying. If you are able to hit a ~£5 shipping price point on a ~£15 CD, that might fly.

    Unfortunately the best solution seems to have passed everyone by. If you release CDs in a jewel case rather than a digipak, then the tray card, booklet and disc can be extracted and sent as a letter from the US to the UK. Last time I looked this was about $3.


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