Remember these guys? While someone could say "actually, no", it's challenging not to group these guys in the "Anglagard clone" camp. That said, I personally enjoy both records - even though the vocals can be challenging. Fans?
Review from ProgArchives
[qoute]This is the second release from SINKADUS, and while I thought their debut was amazing, I think this one is even better. I love the way this band sounds with the melancholic flute and mellotron in contrast to the outbursts of organ and deep prominant bass. That's really over simplifying it, all I know is that the vintage keys along with the bass and flute are incredible throughout. This album is part of my legendary Swedish trilogy from the nineties, along with "Hybris" and "Vemod".
"Jag, Anglamarks Bane" opens with ominous flute melodies until there is an explosion of sound after a minute. Powerful organ and mellotron as drums pound slowly. It changes to an ANGLAGARD-like soundscape of intricate sounds before 3 minutes.The angular guitar and chunky bass are outstanding ! It brightens a minute later.This is incredible ! Check out the bass and organ as the angular guitar continues. You can hear someone laugh right out of the blue (or was that me). This has to be heard to be believed. Suddenly gale force mellotron winds sweeps across the soundscape as huge bass lines pierce through the storm. It settles beautifully 6 1/2 minutes in with flute and gentle guitar followed by vocals. The calm is ended abruptly 8 1/2 minutes in dramatic fashion. The bass is killer.The mellotron is back a minute later. Themes are repeated. Another calm 11 minutes in with vocals. I really like the sound 12 1/2 minutes in. It's building to a big finish. What a song ! "Positivhalaren" opens powerfully with organ, drums and mellotron. It settles quickly then builds as flute, mellotron and snarly bass lines come in. Another calm 2 1/2 minutes in with flute. It's building again. Great sound 4 minutes in with mellotron. The mellotron is glorious 5 1/2 minutes in. I can't get over how huge sounding the bass is throughout this album. The final minute is simply heaven on earth. No words.
"Kakafonia" is sad with vocals to open. A fuller sound 1 1/2 minutes in. Nice. Some good organ follows. Solemn flute and a calm 3 minutes in, but it kicks back in quickly. Mellotron waves 3 1/2 minutes in as the tempo keeps shifting.The mellotron is outstanding in this song. Great sound a minute later, but they don't stay in one place long. "Valkyria" is a 10 minute instrumental. It opens with gentle flute and guitar. After 1 1/2 minutes the tempo picks up as chunky bass and a full sound arrives. Mellotron floods the scene as a calm arrives with gentle guitar. Flute is back. It kicks back in before 4 minutes. More fat bass outbursts as mellotron comes in majestically. Another calm with piano after 5 minutes. It's building as ground shaking bass lines come in. Check it out after 6 minutes ! The calm sections and outbursts of sound continue to be contrasted until i am overwelmed by the wall of mellotron 9 minutes in that continues until the song ends. Gulp. "Ulv I Faraklader" opens with guitar as instruments are added including vocals until it kicks into full gear 2 minutes in. Flute and mellotron after 2 1/2 minutes as bass throbs. Gorgeous sound follows with organ. It settles right down with flute.Cello comes in around 4 minutes.Check out the mellotron a minute later that turns into a storm. This is too much ! Vocals are back 7 minutes in and it's building, right to the end of the song ! - Mellotron Storm[/quote]
Well, I hate to bait and switch you, but I couldn't find any music from Cirkus, so it'll have to be Aurum Nostrum.