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Thread: Modern RPI featured on bandcamp daily

  1. #1
    Member thedunno's Avatar
    Join Date
    Nov 2012

    Modern RPI featured on bandcamp daily

  2. #2
    HOLY COW did I get major Deus Ex Machina vibes on the feat. Esserelà track. Kept half expecting to hear Alberto start belting out a vocal line at any second.
    If you're actually reading this then chances are you already have my last album but if NOT and you're curious:

    Also, Ephemeral Sun: it's a thing and we like making things that might be your thing:

  3. #3
    Member Steve F.'s Avatar
    Join Date
    Nov 2012
    Fluffy Cloud
    Quote Originally Posted by battema View Post
    HOLY COW did I get major Deus Ex Machina vibes on the feat. Esserelà track.
    They're also from Bologna! I'm sure they must shop at Scolopendra for their equipment!
    Steve F.

    - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

    “Remember, if it doesn't say "Cuneiform," it's not prog!” - THE Jed Levin

    Any time any one speaks to me about any musical project, the one absolute given is "it will not make big money". [tip of the hat to HK]

    "Death to false 'support the scene' prog!"

    please add 'imo' wherever you like, to avoid offending those easily offended.

  4. #4
    If you're actually reading this then chances are you already have my last album but if NOT and you're curious:

    Also, Ephemeral Sun: it's a thing and we like making things that might be your thing:

  5. #5
    Quote Originally Posted by thedunno View Post
    Yes, I did'nt expect it!


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