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Thread: Vintage-sounding prog/jazz-funk, brassy big band (recorded in quarantine)

  1. #1

    Vintage-sounding prog/jazz-funk, brassy big band (recorded in quarantine)

    Two songs interspersed with vintage indents. The first number (begins at 1:50) sounds straight out of 1971:
    "Everyone is complacent. The only time they ever speak up is to shame you for not being as complacent as them." - Adam Robillard, YouTube

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Nov 2012
    Portland, OR, USA
    It's weird - these guys are local to me, I know several of them, I've even taken lessons from the keyboard player.

    But I had no idea that this band existed.

  3. #3
    I loved everything about that!
    -noisynoise - 5-piece jazz fusion group - inventive improvisational instrumental ensemble

  4. #4
    Quote Originally Posted by noisynoise View Post
    I loved everything about that!
    Yes it's definitely very good. I love the Shaft Vs Drum'n'bass feel.

  5. #5
    Really clever way of presenting the material with a low-budget production.
    -noisynoise - 5-piece jazz fusion group - inventive improvisational instrumental ensemble

  6. #6
    I gather they play the Proms at Polk High?
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