...or at least I hope you'll take a read, and perhaps buy a copy (the Kindle version should be available very soon).

In mid 2018 I posted here on PE asking musicians about realistic scenarios for aging musicians losing their dexterity. As a non-musician, I received a lot of great suggestions (thanks!) on that topic, many of which have been incorporated into the book (one of the central characters tries to take solace in his stoner/psych music while his life falls apart, only to find that his guitar technique is diminishing too).

Krautrock and Rypdal are both referenced, as is the psychedelic Thai Molam sound. Cambodian temple art and architecture gets a stage as well. But more than that it's just a damn good story, including a small helping of anti-Canadian rhetoric (I can do that, I'm Canadian). It is also the only current novel, to the best of my knowledge, to employ the phrase 'honeyed badger tit'.

Unlike musicians who promote/link their works here, where it might take listeners 5 minutes to an hour to render a verdict, reading a novel can takes days-weeks. So forgive me if I bump it once or twice. Any questions or comments are welcome, of course.

You can take a glance here