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Thread: Proposed shortcuts for easier navigations

  1. #1
    That's Mr. to you, Sir!! Trane's Avatar
    Join Date
    Mar 2004
    in a cosmic jazzy-groove around Brussels

    Proposed shortcuts for easier navigations

    I don't know if the software of 3.0 would allow this or if it reasonably is it feasible??

    Once you're in the groups, in "settings" or blogs or PM, to get back to the forums take a few "clicks" (that's for Gruno )...

    Could we not imagine that while we're diddling about in either one of these above-mentioned features, that we could still see the forum menu at the top of the grey window... or in the dark brown toolbar (less likely)?

    For ex, we could still see at least this below vvv , while we're busy busy displaying soft porn in the NSFW group, or posting how drunk we got in the Single Malt group:

    Forum > Progressive Ears Forums > Progressive Ears MUSIC Forums

    Waddya say???
    Last edited by Trane; 02-16-2013 at 05:23 AM.
    my music collection increased tenfolds when I switched from drug-addicts to complete nutcases.

  2. #2
    General Miscreant Greg's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Trane View Post
    Forum > Progressive Ears Forums > Progressive Ears MUSIC Forums
    That navigation flow is displaying your current location in the site map.

    When you are in your "Settings" page, the flow is displayed with "Settings" in place of "Forums". Similarly, when you are on the "My Profile" page, it displays the location (correctly) as "Member List > Username".

    This navigation flow allows for the user to back up one or more level(s) at a time through the page hierarchy without having to return to the top level entry in that section of the site.

    Forcing the navigation flow to display a location that is not the current one in the site would not only break the navigation, but it would be entirely unintuitive.

    Of course, there is a silver button just a few pixels above the navigation flow that says "FORUM".

  3. #3
    That's Mr. to you, Sir!! Trane's Avatar
    Join Date
    Mar 2004
    in a cosmic jazzy-groove around Brussels
    Quote Originally Posted by Greg View Post

    Forcing the navigation flow to display a location that is not the current one in the site would not only break the navigation, but it would be entirely unintuitive.
    Of course, there is a silver button just a few pixels above the navigation flow that says "FORUM".
    Well that forum button brings you back to the top menu/homepage

    I agree that while it would probably break the logic of the site mapping (which is why I asked if it was feasible).... but IMHO, it wouldn't unintuitive if not meddled in the current location and privided as optional links
    (don't know if I explain it clearly... >> mahes sense to me, coz I know what I mean... but to others??)
    my music collection increased tenfolds when I switched from drug-addicts to complete nutcases.


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