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Thread: Aliens on your plate

  1. #1
    Pendulumswingingdoomsday Rune Blackwings's Avatar
    Join Date
    Nov 2012
    Durham NC
    "Alienated-so alien I go!"

  2. #2
    Not my plate. I don't eat rubber.

    But they are amazing critters, and I love to watch them in documentaries.

    However, I do believe that this group of 33 scientists has gone off the deep end (ahem - excuse me!): an alien lifeform would in all probability not be compatible with terrestrial biochemistry; there are too many very simple things that could have been different and still wound up with complex life. For all of them to come out the same on another planet, near enough for "frozen eggs" to get here, is stretching the boundaries of probability and well into the realm of entropic miracle.

    It really was a fun article. Sorry to harsh it.
    Cobra handling and cocaine use are a bad mix.

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Dec 2015
    Divided Snakes of America

    Harsh it you should. Interesting stuff nevertheless:


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