It will be interesting when 3d home printing advances to the point that you can print your own albums. Think of it... if you're hard core you could print a fresh platter every single time you felt like hearing a record. If files of molds of original stampers became available that would be amazing, or they could be scanned from existing vinyl. I don't get the love for records though. The mechanics are just so weird, all the angles shifting everywhere... wouldn't it make more sense if we have to have vinyl to go back to a format like the cylinder? And why vinyl? Isn't there a more robust plastic out there? Or other medium entirely? Could you make records from glass? It all seems like the gasoline engine. Everyone's hooked on this romantic century old tech. There has to be a better way. Well, there is, it's tape- but even if you want to be all mechanical and steam-punky there has to be a better way.