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Thread: Adrian Wagner ? (1952-2018)

  1. #1
    Member Mr.Krautman's Avatar
    Join Date
    Apr 2013

    Adrian Wagner ? (1952-2018)

    Sadly unnoticed, british EM composer and synth designer Adrian Wagner passed away a few months ago:

    I allways loved his two early records from 1978-79 (Instincts and Last Inca) which showed excellent mastery of electronic soundscapes combined with good compositional skills.

    After some research I found the man recorded no less than 11 CD's ! Is there anything else recommendable in his discography, similar to Inca/Instincts ? Or did he fall (like too many electronic musicians) in the insipid New Age/ambient trap ?

  2. #2
    Member interbellum's Avatar
    Join Date
    Sep 2014
    Sad news indeed.
    I only have the LP The Last Inca, which was released on the famous Charisma label.
    Haven't listened to it in ages, but I remember it was a fine album.
    The LP has been released on CD together with Instincts under the new name Inca Gold.

    Can't recommend any other albums though.

  3. #3
    In truth I'm not at all familiar but based on the above, sounds like that needs to change.

    RIP regardless.
    If you're actually reading this then chances are you already have my last album but if NOT and you're curious:

    Also, Ephemeral Sun: it's a thing and we like making things that might be your thing:

  4. #4
    "Always ready with the ray of sunshine"

  5. #5
    I have " Distances Between Us" on CD. Which includes Robert Calvert doing a electronic version of Steppenwolf


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