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Thread: Foetus

  1. #26
    Yes it was Nail
    No Fairlight just triggering the AMS
    From my impression Warne Livesey was producing this he seemed very much in control - But now I see he wasn't credited

  2. #27
    He's credited on the cd i have.

    Re: Fairlight
    "in the 80s were you eyeing up Fairlight CMIs when they were released, or did you know such budgets would be out of reach and so made the best you could with the tools available?"

    JGT: I used the Fairlight extensively on Nail. Fairlight had its own onboard computer and sequencing. Within a couple of years it was almost obsolete for me as I moved on to the first generation of Akai S-series samplers and an Atari computer, among other things. Those were my weapons of choice on Thaw, but the difference was I had those for pre-production, whereas the Fairlight I was using while the studio clock was ticking. Again I think there was a big shift between Nail and Thaw.
    From this quietus interview.

    After working in London Thirlwell moved to NY and started working with Martin Bisi.

  3. #28
    Well he certainly didn't have a Fairlight at Wave Studios
    I am curious to know if he owned one

  4. #29
    I wouldn't have thought he could afford one. Weren't they ridiculously pricey at the time? Maybe he stole it.

    I've been listening to the first couple of Foetus albums. they're..... rather painful

    Edit: maybe some evidence is needed.

    An ELP fans worst nightmare.
    Last edited by loosefish; 07-21-2016 at 02:29 PM.

  5. #30
    Jefferson James
    Heard Foetus "Scraping" back in '85/6 and it just didn't sit well with my Van Maiden/Judas Malmsteen mindset. Will re-visit and see if 30 years has opened my mind a bit.

    I will say largely due to Kavus' enthusiasm I have been listening to Cardiacs' "Sing to God" album a whole lot of late. Man, that is some cool, cool, weird and wonderful music.

  6. #31
    Hey Kerry, if you are digging Sing To God, then you're not a million miles away, sonically, from some of the stuff Thirlwell's been doing recently.
    I'd start with the later stuff and work backwards if you dig it.

  7. #32
    Quote Originally Posted by loosefish View Post
    I wouldn't have thought he could afford one. Weren't they ridiculously pricey at the time? Maybe he stole it.
    From that interview excerpt, it sounds like he was just using the one owned by the recording studio.
    Confirmed Bachelors: the dramedy hit of 1883...

  8. #33
    I'm probably talking to myself at this point, but JG's recent Venture Bros. and Imponderable soundtrack albums are both excellent and would likely appeal to those that enjoyed the last couple of John Carpenter records. Progressive with a small p perhaps.

    No new Foetus 'til 2020 apparently

  9. #34
    ^ I hear you, man. They're both fantastic.

  10. #35
    Join Date
    Nov 2012
    I'm gonna re-animate this thread because I just listened to the "Soak" record by Foetus and was suitably floored by it.

    I quickly noticed that there are many megabytes of stuff available to download on iTunes so immediately went for the first Venture Bros soundtrack by Thirlwell...havent heard it yet.

    But back to "Soak", someone posted a song on the Dark Prog thread and I would like to personally buy you a bottle of wine...I may have a long enjoyable road to follow now! The Magma influence was obvious from the get go (and that should be enough) but his symphonic and vocal arrangements were/are fantastic. Fun times ahead I think!!!

    Last edited by neuroticdog; 05-27-2017 at 11:43 PM.
    If it ain't acousmatique-It's crap

  11. #36
    Still have yet to hear Soak (a better title than Damp at least). I'm kind of rediscovering Flow at the moment. Mandelay is fucking devastating.


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